What we offer

We are a mix of professional and motivated people: developers, designers, project managers, and business analysts. Data Pro is happy to offer the experience of our employees for extending your team and working together on your business’s success.

What is an extended team?

An extended team is a long-term way of cooperation between DataPro and our clients that is not ended after the project release. It is based on tight collaboration between the customer’s native team and our employees. To establish efficient interaction between our developers and the client’s team, we work according to the Agile system.

Agile processes at Data Pro

Depending on the project goals, we choose Scrum or Kanban frameworks for the organization of our work. This helps us to keep pace with the market and quickly adapt the process to the client’s demands.

The Scrum system is about team organization and strategic planning. We divide the work is divided into short sprints and set the goals for each one. At the end of the sprint, the team analyzes the performance and updates the customer about the results. By comparing sprints with each other, we improve the efficiency of the work.

Kanban is about team balance and moderate load. We divide the work on the project into the stages: Planning, Developing, Testing, Deploying, etc. The average speed of completing each stage is the main measure of effectiveness in Kanban.

Our team is ready to boost your business